
Zanzibar, Located on the Northern East Coast of Tanzania is known for its relaxed lifestyle. With perfect beaches reviewed to be the best in East Africa & one of the best of the world. To the most common thing anyone will notice as soon as they arrive to this almost 2,500 km^2 island, its amazing people. Filled with the unique Arab Swahili culture, where people are known to be extremely kind and friendly. Either on a historical tour, luxury holidays or just laying on the beach, this destination has been reviewed to satisfy  every traveler.

To Nungwi, North of Zanzibar reviewed to have the best party atmosphere in an area with plenty of beach activities. To Zanzibar Stone Tone, known for its history of the past Colonial age, to East Zanzibar Paje, with unique and less influenced cultural populations, with spice farms and walking tour activities based on interest. On average Zanzibar may require not less than Five (5) days of experience. With an International Airport and ferry port arriving from Dar-es-salaam city.